Root Down Nutrition Blog
Hi, I’m Kyle. I’m a Functional Medicine Dietitian with the goal of helping you get the gut health answers and guidance you’ve been looking for, no matter where you are in your gut healing journey.

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a chronic intestinal disorder where an abnormally large number of bacteria are found in the small intestine. SIBO can lead to intestinal inflammation, poor digestion and absorption, and leaky gut.
Almost 80% of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) cases are actually SIBO! This is so important if you’ve ever been told that you “just have to live with IBS”. SIBO is a condition that, with the right approach, is treatable and not just something you have to live with.

Do You Need a Functional Stool Test?
Eating a healthy diet is the first place to start when it comes to improving your health and gut microbiome but what if you’re already eating a good diet and still experiencing stubborn symptoms?
The best diet in the world won’t be enough to keep you healthy if you can’t properly digest and absorb what you’re eating. Similarly, you can eat the “cleanest” diet in the world and still experience gut imbalances that contribute to your symptoms no matter what foods you add or eliminate.
So, where do you start when you’re trying to figure out the root causes behind your symptoms?

4 Gut Healing Mistakes & What To Do Instead
In functional medicine, we often use the picture of a tree as an example of how to view the body and how everything is connected. The roots, although hidden from our view, are what give the tree life. These are the things that can either promote health and wellbeing, or disease and dysfunction. What’s amazing is that the roots are the lifestyle and environmental factors that are completely modifiable and within our control.

The Main Causes of Digestive Imbalances & How to Fix Them, Part 2
When it comes to rebalancing the gut, the 5R framework is an amazing tool to get you the results you’ve been looking for in a strategic, evidence-based way.

The Main Causes of Digestive Imbalances & How to Fix Them, Part 1
My goal is to focus on the root cause of disease and dysfunction while providing a patient-centered approach that acknowledges the different diets, lifestyles, and genetic makeup that makes us all unique from one another.