What clients are saying…
"I had been bouncing around from specialist to specialist for at least 5 years trying to help "fix me" and no one took a whole body approach.
I had already spent so much money on seeing specialists and it got me literally nowhere. I reached out to Kyle because I needed someone to actually spend time with me, follow-up with me and understand all of my symptoms to better help improve my gut issues. Kyle is super down to earth and made me feel really comfortable because sometimes the conversations around gut issues can be embarrassing. My bloating is 100% gone. I mentally don't feel "sick" anymore and I feel like I don't always have to worry about my stomach issues when I go out; it doesn't limit me anymore. The money I spent with Kyle was 100% worth it. To feel good and healthy is invaluable. I just wish I saw Kyle sooner!"
— Jamie N.
"I was 30-40 pounds overweight, depressed, pre-diabetic, and had out of control IBS and GERD.
Finally fed up with my lifelong digestive problems, I contacted Kyle. Kyle did the most thorough health testing I’ve ever had done. She helped me get to the root of my health problems and gave me real healing solutions and support, not just bandaids that only cover up symptoms. I’ve lost 30 pounds! No IBS or GERD symptoms in months. Glucose is greatly improved. My entire view of diet and exercise has changed and I love the new self-care and improvement routines Kyle has helped me develop. I’m happier than I’ve been in years!"
— Alisha M.
“First of all, I feel great!
I haven't had any skin issues, no bloating, no diarrhea, no heartburn. My clothes fit again and I don't feel awful every time I eat. Although weight loss wasn't my top priority, I was able to lose about 17 pounds just by changing my diet and eating the right foods for me. I learned so much about myself and my eating habits. It definitely takes time to establish eating well and making it a habit but it was worth every minute. My brain fog even went away too! Kyle recommended some great supplements that helped get my gut in better shape and she had some really good recipes to try. Now I know what I can eat and what my body is sensitive too. It is truly life changing when you feel your best and eat your best......I can thank Kyle for all of that!”
— Shannon S.
“Kyle was SO helpful on my journey to figuring out my gut health!
After years of struggling, getting told to cut out more and more foods without any reintegration, she helped me narrow down and realize what actually worked for my system. Kyle is great at getting to the core of the issue and helping her clients tackle it while not living a super limited and restrictive lifestyle. I now have a diet that isn't continuously getting smaller but larger and more diverse.”
— Emily D.
“I had a lot of brain fog, overall feeling unwell, feeling so full that I constantly had this feeling that things were pushing up to my esophagus.
I was very constipated. I felt like I did not want to travel as I knew my GI function was unpredictable. Kyle was so compassionate, encouraging, and knowledgeable. She didn't give up on me even when I felt like it. She didn't make me feel like I was doing anything wrong. She was right there with me every step of the way. You can tell she goes above and beyond for her clients and truly cares. I do have more energy and am able to wake up in the morning. I transitioned to a stressful job but if my health was not where it is thanks to Kyle I truly don't think I could tackle my daily tasks. As funny as it sounds, I wake up in the morning so excited to use the bathroom. I can't believe my bowel movements have improved without doing the low fodmap diet. I am still making progress with my IBS and what keeps me re-assured is I know Kyle is there for me and I am excited to continue to work with her.”
— Stephanie A.
Before Kyle I was constantly nauseous, dealing with blood sugar problems, and dreading eating.
I was looking for someone to help me when doctors kept saying all my symptoms were just celiac when I knew my issues were much more complex than that. I wanted someone who was on my side and wouldn't give up. There was a period of time where I was so scared to eat since I kept throwing up which took a toll on my mental health. I now have a lot less food anxiety. My weight has fluctuated tremendously since my celiac diagnosis a couple years ago, but now I am finally stable. By working with Kyle, she has empowered me to own my health and trust my gut (literally) when I know something is wrong. Kyle was one of the only practitioners I've worked with (and I've worked with A LOT) who focused on the science of my body while acknowledging how hard it is to have GI issues. She is so incredibly organized and gave me effective and realistic solutions. I was honestly nervous to have someone besides myself know so much about my health, but Kyle is so non judgemental that that anxiety went away quickly. I learned SO much about my body by working with Kyle. This is something I use everyday and will continue to use for the rest of my life. I learned how to make food habits that aren't just healthy for the sake of being healthy, but to heal my intestines from years of undiagnosed and untreated issues.”
— Lucy R.
“After reaching a pinnacle of health as I hit my 40's, once hormonal changes hit my body, nothing was working and I was spiraling into a sense of desperation, and feeling like I had no relationship with my body anymore.
I knew I wasn't "ill" but I also knew that many things were out of balance. I couldn't get any of the doctors I saw to even hear me about what was going on in my body without just dismissing it as diet and exercise, without even understanding the background in both of those things I was coming to them with, and they told me the tests I was asking for wouldn't give them the information I was seeking. Working with Kyle has helped me get out of my head and my judgments about myself and things I thought I was doing wrong for so long. She validated my symptoms and my feelings, and between that and the testing, and protocols we have been working on, I feel back to knowing my body, and working with it, instead of against it. I feel so much closer to the health and vitality I know is possible, at any age. And I feel like I have a friend and advocate who is guiding me along the way. Working with Kyle has been exactly the life-changing experience I knew it could be, and thanks to her, I am truly equipped to continue on this journey toward wellness, wholeness, and vibrance. I know I will always have an ally along the way, if need be, and I am so deeply appreciative that Kyle is who I found to do the work with.
— Nicol Z.
“Prior to finding Kyle, I was so frustrated, discouraged, scared and nervous.
had no idea what was going on and felt as if my gastrointestinal symptoms, such as bloating, abdominal cramping, dissension, constipation, fatigue, brain fog, depression and mood swings were my new normal. Working with Kyle was EYE-OPENING to say the least. I have been in the field of nutrition and health coaching for almost a decade, but her ability to see the big picture and identify some root causes of my situation was invaluable. Her coaching and recommendations have impacted, not just my gut health, but my entire lifestyle. She is one of the best coaches I have ever worked with. She is so compassionate, relatable and loving. However, she has a rare ability to be direct as well. She could simultaneously call me on my stuff and make me feel totally normal and okay in the same breath. I loved working with her!
— Jamie L.
“The food diversity and freedom I have is something I’m tremendously grateful for.
It’s also had a big impact on my social life since I can eat with others with much more ease now.”
— Diana N.
“Most of the modifications I’ve made to my diet have been easy to stick to and I am feeling much much better physically and mentally.
Huge difference between how I felt when I first began working with you and now.“
— Whitney D.
“Kyle is very up front about what the problems are and what can be done to improve the issues.
She meets you where you are with patience in a non judgmental way. I knew I could and did say whatever was on my mind and we would go from there. Being able to message her was huge because so many questions arose between our sessions. She always responded promptly and honestly. Kyle gave me hope. With what I learned I know I can manage the challenges I am facing with confidence. Kyle is fun and absolutely approachable. I appreciated her "cheerleading" and openness. She will go the extra mile for you!”
— Gail G.