4 Gut Healing Mistakes & What To Do Instead

Mistake #1

Don’t do this:

Skip the functional lab tests and just guess what you need to do based on your symptoms, diagnosis, and what you read on Google

Try this instead:

Work with a trained functional practitioner who will order the right tests to identify the root causes behind your symptoms

Symptoms are how the body communicates with us that something is out of balance. It’s our job to listen to these messages. ⁠The problem is that the messages aren’t always clear.

One symptom, like diarrhea for example, could have multiple different root causes:⁠

  • Infections⁠

  • Too much bad bacteria⁠

  • Too little good bacteria⁠

  • Autoimmunity like Crohn’s or Ulcerative Colitis⁠

  • Stress⁠ and anxiety

  • Digestive insufficiencies

  • Liver or gallbladder issues⁠

  • Food sensitivities or intolerances⁠

  • SIBO⁠, and on and on…⁠

If you don’t have any data showing you the WHY behind your symptoms, then you just start guessing. ⁠

⁠You go on Google, listen to podcasts or read nutrition books. ⁠
You start eliminating foods leaving you to feel confused, frustrated or even scared of eating.⁠
You spend money on supplements that you read about or know someone who swears it was the magic pill that changed everything for them. ⁠
You waste your time, energy and money guessing. 😩
This is why we test. ⁠This is why all my one on one clients get a functional stool test. ⁠

Testing isn’t an expense – it’s an investment in your health that gives you so much information in return. ⁠

⁠When we have the data showing us what’s driving your symptoms, we can stop the guessing game and one-size-fits-all recommendations and create a personalized plan that’s unique to you! ⁠

Mistake #2

Don’t do this:

Follow one elimination diet after another until you feel confused, restricted, and undernourished

Try this instead:

Ditch the one-size-fits-all diets and work with a practitioner who will help you identify your unique food triggers and sensitivities, if any. Sometimes it’s not the food!

Food is one of life’s greatest pleasures. It provides enjoyment, connection, nourishment and fuel for our body. 

I believe diets are extremely personalized and approaching nutrition with a one-size-fits-all approach never works. 

What works for one person has absolutely no bearing on what will work for you.

✦ Different bodies
✦ Different cultures
✦ Different goals
✦ Different needs
✦ Different tastes

Allergies, sensitivities and intolerances can have huge impacts on our overall health, gut, immune system, and inflammation. Food isn’t always a root cause behind your symptoms, but it is always a very important component to our health.

Mistake #3

Don’t do this:

Spend tons of money buying random supplements on Amazon or at the grocery store.

Try this instead:

Use targeted supplements personalized to you, your test results, symptoms, and goals. Get individualized recommendations from a trained practitioner who only uses medical-grade brands.

I know it can be tempting to hop on Amazon and order your supplements, but the truth is, a lot of the time you’re not actually getting what you’re paying for in terms of quality, purity, and potency. 

Like a lot of our food supply, supplements are poorly regulated.⁠

What should you do instead?⁠⁠

Switch to medical grade supplements from reputable companies who use raw materials that are tested for identity, potency, contaminants, heavy metals, allergens, and pesticides.⁠

Common ingredients you’ll find in over the counter supplements include:⁠⁠

Allergens like wheat, soy, dairy, eggs, nuts, gluten⁠
Artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners⁠
Trans fat and hydrogenated oils⁠
Unnecessary binders, fillers and preservatives⁠

⁠Medical grade supplements are backed by science, research, and clinical studies. They’re verified for potency and purity because even if a supplement contains evidence-based ingredients, it won’t be effective if the doses are inadequate. ⁠

⁠You need to be a practitioner to have an account with most reputable medical grade brands OR you need to be working with a practitioner who will give you access to their online dispensary.⁠ 

⁠Some of my favorite brands are Pure Encapsulations, Designs for Health and Ortho Molecular. You can access these brands through my online dispensary and get 20% off! These are great brands to switch to if you’re unsure about your current supplements. ⁠⁠

As always, supplements are extremely individualized! If you’re not sure what supplements can support you best, consider my Root Down and Thrive program or a Functional Nutrition Testing package. All of my clients get personalized recommendations for diet, supplements and lifestyle.⁠

I believe that using targeted supplements can be a huge catalyst for your health and truly help to fill any gaps you have once your diet and lifestyle are up to snuff. ⁠

Mistake #4

Don’t do this:

Ignore your lifestyle as a possible root cause of your symptoms.

Try this instead:

No amount of diet changes or supplements can outweigh a poor lifestyle. Sleep, stress, movement and connection are essential to health and vitality.


In functional medicine, we often use the picture of a tree as an example of how to view the body and how everything is connected. The roots, although hidden from our view, are what give the tree life.

These are the things that can either promote health and wellbeing, or disease and dysfunction. What’s amazing is that the roots are the lifestyle and environmental factors that are completely modifiable and within our control.

Nutrition + clean water
Movement + time in nature
Sleep + circadian rhythm
Spiritual + social connections
Stress + resiliency
Environmental toxins + pollutants

Our lifestyle and environment are the foundation that health is built on. If you’re only focusing on symptom management, a pill for every ill, or bouncing from one diet to another while never really focusing on the basics, you’ll only get so far. These are the things that can become a barrier to healing or help you crush your health goals.

You simply can’t build a strong home on a shaky foundation.

The goal isn’t to be perfect. Sometimes my sleep is off for way too long before I dial it back in, I don’t get out in nature enough, or my stress isn’t being managed well.

But when things get too out of whack, I know how to bring myself back into balance. That’s really all any of us can do - notice when things have gone off course, and slowly bring yourself back into balance focusing on the basics, many of which are free!


About Kyle

Kyle Maiorana is a functional medicine Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and real food advocate who takes a whole-person, root-cause, evidence-based approach to wellness. She works with clients to eliminate gut symptoms for good.


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