Do You Need a Functional Stool Test?

Eating a healthy diet is the first place to start when it comes to improving your health and gut microbiome, but what if you’re already eating a good diet and still experiencing stubborn symptoms?

The best diet in the world won’t be enough to keep you healthy if you can’t properly digest and absorb what you’re eating. Similarly, you can eat the “cleanest” diet in the world and still experience gut imbalances that contribute to your symptoms, no matter what foods you add or eliminate. 

So, where do you start when you’re trying to figure out the root causes behind your symptoms? 

A functional stool test will give you so much useful data that will help your practitioner (that’s me!) personalize your plan so you can finally ditch the guesswork and ineffective one-size-fits-all bandaids. 

Since I specialize in gut health, this test is a no-brainer for my clients struggling with digestive symptoms like gas, bloating, diarrhea and constipation. 

The majority of my clients also experience non-digestive symptoms like low energy, brain fog, joint pain and acne. People who experience non-digestive symptoms don’t often understand that their symptoms are also stemming from a gut issue. 

“When in doubt, begin in the gut” 


Functional medicine is focused on identifying and addressing the root causes of your health concerns instead of just managing your symptoms. It acknowledges the complex and symbiotic relationship between our body and gut microbiome and how this relationship impacts our overall health. 

Digestive Symptoms of Gut Imbalances

Diarrhea or Constipation

Excessive gas and bloating

Nausea or vomiting

Food sensitivities

Indigestion, heartburn and reflux


Prolonged sense of fullness after meals

Blood or mucus in stool

Bad breath 

Abdominal pain or cramping

Gallstones or history of gallbladder removal

Non-Digestive Symptoms of Gut Imbalances

Brain fog


Nutrient deficiencies 

Anxiety and depression

Skin conditions like acne, rashes, eczema and psoriasis

Chronic inflammation 

Hormone and thyroid imbalances 

Autoimmune conditions

Joint pain or arthritis

Osteopenia or osteoporosis

Chronic vaginal yeast infections

Chronic UTIs

The truth is, you shouldn’t wait until your symptoms become unmanageable to do a stool test. I consider this test to be a valuable part of disease prevention and a way to optimize your health before symptoms develop. 

A functional stool test will give you insight into:

  • Digestion & Absorption

  • Inflammation

  • Levels of good and bad bacteria

  • Gut metabolite imbalances

  • Immune health

  • Infections (bacteria, parasites, worms, fungi)

Functional stool tests help to organize and prioritize which areas to focus on to improve your health and eliminate your symptoms. It also tells you what areas of the gut microbiome are healthy!

If you’re experiencing any of the above symptoms and are looking to take a proactive approach to your health, apply for a free discovery session so we can chat about your symptoms, goals, and how I can help. Our 1-on-1 coaching package includes a stool test and comprehensive blood work panel to get you the answers you deserve.


About Kyle

Kyle Maiorana is a functional medicine Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and real food advocate who takes a whole-person, root-cause, evidence-based approach to wellness. She works with clients to eliminate gut symptoms for good.


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