Functional Testing Menu

Comprehensive Blood Panel

Advanced labs looking at inflammation, blood sugar, electrolytes, kidney and liver function, thyroid function, complete lipid panel with Apo B, anemia panel, folate, B12, vitamin D and magnesium.

Comprehensive blood work helps us capture all of the root causes behind your symptoms. Did you know that thyroid, electrolyte, liver, and blood sugar imbalances are common root causes of gut symptoms, low energy, skin issues, inflammation, and more?

Assessing your nutrient levels helps us personalize your supplement and diet recommendations and give your body the nutrients it needs to heal and thrive.

*The labs included in this panel are specifically chosen by Kyle. At this time, we are not making adjustments to this panel. If you would like additional labs we can add them on for an extra cost.

Functional Stool Test

This at home stool collection looks at the health of your gut microbiome, intestinal inflammation, digestive insufficiencies, levels of good and bad bacteria, immune health, infections (bacteria, parasites, worms, fungi, yeast, H.pylori), and more.

This test is an absolute must when it comes to searching for root-causes behind your chronic gut symptoms. The information provided allows us to specifically target and support your digestion, rebalance the gut, and optimize your microbiome health to have a whole body improvement in your symptoms.

If you’ve been struggling for a while and are so tired of the guesswork, one-size-fits-all suggestions, and random food eliminations - this one’s for you!

Hair Trace Mineral Analysis (HTMA) Test

Minerals are like spark plugs--they help kick off reactions in the body. They are cofactors for every single metabolic reaction in the body. Stress, depleted soil, medications and even certain supplements can deplete minerals like sodium, potassium, magnesium, and more. 

Without sufficient minerals, we can’t make cannot make hormones, digest or detoxify properly, or make energy. When this happens we see can the following symptoms:

  • Poor digestion, reflux, bloating and overgrowth

  • Acne, skin issues

  • Sluggish metabolism

  • Low thyroid function

  • Excess estrogen

  • PMS, painful and irregular cycles

  • Low body temp

  • Low pulse

  • Poor appetite (especially in the morning)

  • Hair loss, skin issues, poor nail growth

We use a combination of bloodwork and hair testing to get the full picture of your nutrient status. Hair testing shows us what’s going on inside the cell over the last three months, while blood work gives us a snapshot of what’s happening now. The HTMA test can also detect heavy metals that are coming out of the hair.

The HTMA test is an affordable, at-home test that allows us to use targeted diet and lifestyle recommendations, and sometimes supplements, to optimize your minerals so your body can heal and thrive.

Additional testing available for clients:

  • Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) Test 

  • NutrEval & Metabolomix Nutritional Assessment Tests 

  • Celiac and Gluten Sensitivity Tests

  • Food Sensitivity Tests 

  • Adrenal and HPA Dysfunction (Stress Response + Resiliency) Test

  • Genetic Methylation Test

…and more

Let’s connect!

Feel free to send me an email or connect with me on social with specific questions about gut health and my services. I am currently not taking any new clients but would still love to hear from you!